Having a missing tooth can affect the way you eat, speak, and smile. Dental bridges can help fill in the gap and restore the appearance of your natural teeth. Here’s what you need to know about dental bridges.
crowns on the adjacent teeth. They are also sometimes called “fixed partial dentures,” as they serve the same purpose as partial dentures while being permanently fixed in the mouth.
are artificial teeth that are held in place byA dental bridge looks natural and prevents your teeth from shifting over time to fill in the gap left by a missing tooth. Dental bridges can be made of porcelain, metal, or a combination of both.
Dental bridges need to be custom-made to fit your teeth, so there are a few steps to the procedure. First, we will make a digital impression of your mouth and create your bridge piece. Our dentist will need to shape the teeth on either side of the gap so that the crown portion of the restoration can fit over them.
Then we will attach the bridge to the adjacent teeth. We can make some adjustments to ensure that the bridge fits properly against the rest of your teeth.
can last a long time with proper care. Brush and floss the area daily, and try to avoid any foods that could pull at or break it.
To learn more about dental bridges, contact the team at Gentle Dentistry. Our Kalamazoo, MI, restorative dentist would be happy to discuss your options. Call Gentle Dentistry today at (269) 381-3890, or contact us online.
Our dental office treats many types of traumatic dental injuries, such as teeth that have been chipped, moved, or knocked out. Please contact our Kalamazoo, MI office for help with a dental emergency.